Publication in Nature Communications showing that the neuroprotective activity of CDNF is mediated by its interaction with GRP78 protein

Sep 25, 2024

Red Glead Discovery is very happy to be a trusted drug discovery partner to Herantis Pharma Plc. Recently, this collaboration resulted in a joint publication in Nature Communications (Springer Nature Group) with additional key contributions from co-authors at EMBL, BIOSAXS GmbH, and Tampere University. The publication demonstrates that the neuroprotective activity of CDNF is mediated by its interaction with GRP78 protein providing the structural basis for on-going clinical development of HER-096.

Link to the open access article: Structural basis of CDNF interaction with the UPR regulator GRP78 | Nature Communications

Read more: Herantis Pharma – Company and Press Releases


About Herantis Pharma Plc.

Herantis Pharma Plc is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing disease modifying therapies for Parkinson’s disease. Herantis’ lead product HER-096 is an advanced small synthetic chemical peptidomimetic molecule developed based on the active site of the CDNF protein. It combines the compelling mechanism of action of CDNF with the convenience of subcutaneous administration. The primary aim of the ongoing Phase 1b clinical trial is to show that repeated subcutaneous doses of HER-096 are safe and well-tolerated in patients with Parkinson’s disease. The Phase 1a clinical trial demonstrated a good safety and tolerability profile, and efficient blood-brain barrier penetration of subcutaneously administered HER-096 in healthy volunteers. Herantis are listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.
